Liliane Amuat

Geboren 1989 in Zürich, studierte Liliane Amuat am Max Reinhardt Seminar Wien Schauspiel. Nach vier Jahren im Ensemble des Wiener Burgtheaters und vier Jahren am Theater Basel wechselte sie 2019 ans Residenztheater. Sie arbeitete u. a. mit Regisseur*innen wie Sebastian Baumgarten, Katie Mitchell, Bastian Kraft, Stefan Kimmig und Simon Stone, mit dessen Inszenierungen sie 2016 und 2017 zum Berliner Theatertreffen eingeladen wurde. 2020 erhielt sie den Kurt-Meisel-Förderpreis für ihre Darstellung in «Lulu». Für ihre Hauptrolle in «Skizzen von Lou» wurde sie für den Schweizer Filmpreis 2017 als «Beste Darstellerin» und als «Beste Nachwuchsschauspielerin» beim Max Ophüls Filmfestival nominiert, außerdem erhielt sie 2017 den Schweizer Fernsehfilmpreis. 2021 erhielt sie den Bayerischen Kunstförderpreis in der Sparte Darstellende Kunst.

Zuletzt war sie im Kinofilm «Das Mädchen und die Spinne», der an der Berlinale mit zwei silbernen Bären ausgezeichnet wurde, zu sehen. Sie spielt außerdem in dem Film «Die Mittagsfrau» von Barbara Albert mit, der 2023 in die Kinos kommt. 

Performing in

The cycle of revenge and retribution is endless. Every drop of blood spilt has to be atoned for with more. Everyone thinks they have the law and the will of the gods on their side and this conviction drives them on to commit new injustices. This is the spiral of violence that grips the ruling house of the Atrides in Aeschylus’s «Agamemnon», the first part of his trilogy «The Oresteia».

Residenztheater, 19.30 o'clock
Sat 02 Nov
Residenztheater, 18.30 o'clock
Sun 01 Dec
Residenztheater, 19.30 o'clock
Sat 21 Dec

«And often the outward signs of ascent only become apparent once the decline has begun again.» In his 1901 novel, subtitled «The Decline of a Family», Thomas Mann uses precise characterisation and an ironic style to describe the incipient structural collapse of the grande bourgeoisie. Mann drew his inspiration for «Buddenbrooks» from the story of his own family in Lübeck and people of the city where he was living at the time: Munich. Mann shows the potential complexity of relations between North and South Germany with considerable humour in the relationship between Tony Buddenbrook and the Munich hop-trader Alois Permaneder.

Cuvilliéstheater, 19.30 o'clock
Wed 27 Nov
Cuvilliéstheater, 19.30 o'clock
Mon 02 Dec

During the global economic crisis of the 1920s, a young woman tries out self-realization and yet ends up in a restrictive marriage, confronted with misogyny and male bonding as well as the rise of National Socialism. Elsa-Sophie Jach adapts Marieluise Fleisser's only novel for the stage.

Eine Zierde für den Verein (A credit to the club)
Sat 16 Nov
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Marstall, 20.00 o'clock
Tue 19 Nov
Marstall, 20.00 o'clock
Thu 21 Nov
Marstall, 19.00 o'clock
Sun 22 Dec
Marstall, 20.00 o'clock
Fri 27 Dec

The Australian writer and director Simon Stone took Chekhov’s famous play as the starting point for his rewriting – voted «Play of the Year 2017» in «Theater heute» magazine – that combines rapid fire dialogue, subtle character studies and the ambivalence that arises from them while locating the play thematically in the here and now.

Drei Schwestern (Three sisters)

With «Success», we journey into the inner workings of a society in which everything is measured in terms of personal career advantage, the demands of embittered contemporaries, hatred of one’s neighbours, anger at those with a different political opinion and one’s own lack of any sense of direction.

Erfolg (Success)
Residenztheater, 19.30 o'clock
Fri 20 Dec

No other play by Heinrich von Kleist inspires quite so many superlatives as «Käthchen of Heilbronn». It is not only the most successful, but also the most romantic, the most fairy tale-like and at the same time the most mysterious play that he wrote.

Das Käthchen von Heilbronn (Käthchen of Heilbronn)
Cuvilliéstheater, 19.30 o'clock
Tue 03 Dec
