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19 Feb
Wed 19 Feb
Moby Dick
Following Ibsen’s Peer Gynt, in the second half of the season another we hear from another master storyteller. A narrator who tells us to call him Ismael walks onto the Residenztheater stage in seaman’s garb. What follows is a genuine monster of a story: Ismael is hired on the «Pequod», an old whaling ship, and goes to sea on board this floating blubber factory.
Wed 19 Feb
Sohn einer Mutter. Mutter eines Sohns. (Son of a mother. Mother of a son.)
Iranian playwright and director Pooyan Bagherzadeh depicts the moving picture of a mother in Iran and her son in Germany.
20 Feb
Thu 20 Feb
Once a month, you have the opportunity to creatively explore a play from our program in the «Resi Workshop». In the two-hour workshop you will approach the respective production with text excerpts, playful exercises and improvisations.
Thu 20 Feb
Prima Facie
Tessa Ensler is a tough defence lawyer. In her early thirties she has managed what very few people believed she could: she has made her way from an underprivileged background to an elite university and on to a top legal firm. She specializes in defending cases of sexual assault. Is her rate of acquittals so high because she is a woman, as is rumoured – or is it because she is so good at spotting holes and contradictions in the statements of the female victims?
21 Feb
Fri 21 Feb
Der wiedergefundene Freund
Fri 21 Feb
Sankt Falstaff (Saint Falstaff)
Austrian playwright Ewald Palmetshofer translates Shakespeare's royal drama «King Henry IV» into the present day of eroding democracies with sophisticated language and defiant humour.
Fri 21 Feb
Das Käthchen von Heilbronn (Käthchen of Heilbronn)
No other play by Heinrich von Kleist inspires quite so many superlatives as «Käthchen of Heilbronn». It is not only the most successful, but also the most romantic, the most fairy tale-like and at the same time the most mysterious play that he wrote.
Fri 21 Feb
(Nicht)Mütter! ((Non)Mothers!)
The text of «(Non)Mothers!» weaves together answers from 22 interviews on the subject of (non-)motherhood – into a play about decisions, doubts (still) births, terminations, transformations and actions of bravery.
22 Feb
Sat 22 Feb
Führung Große Bühne für Menschen mit Blindheit und Sehbehinderung
Die Theaterführung für Besucher*innen mit Blindheit und Sehbehinderung bietet die Gelegenheit, die große Bühne des Residenztheaters zu entdecken.
Sat 22 Feb
Sternstunden der Menschheit (Highlights of Humankind)
In his historical miniatures, Stefan Zweig brings together brilliant achievements in European history that tell of unbreakable vitality as well as human weaknesses. In Thom Luz' poetic and musical production, they become archive material that is explored, sung about, brought to life in brief moments and also set in relation to Stefan Zweig's own biography and his journey into exile in Brazil.
Sat 22 Feb
Das Käthchen von Heilbronn (Käthchen of Heilbronn)
No other play by Heinrich von Kleist inspires quite so many superlatives as «Käthchen of Heilbronn». It is not only the most successful, but also the most romantic, the most fairy tale-like and at the same time the most mysterious play that he wrote.
Sat 22 Feb
Erinnerung eines Mädchens (A Girl's Story)
In her autobiographical memoir «A Girl’s Story», published in 2016, the French writer Annie Ernaux attempts to understand a deeply formative experience in her own life. What happened to her, a young woman aged 18 at the time, in the summer of 1958? Between fragments of memories, diary entries, letters and decades-old photos, the author undertakes an almost forensic analysis of what happened, its effects and the social frameworks and sexual double standards that grant or refuse entirely different forms of «freedom» to men and women respectively. «A Girl’s Story» shows an almost 80-year-old woman painfully confronting sexual shame, impotence and self-empowerment and is – shortly before the #MeToo movement arose – a touching and highly political document of putting an end to silence.
23 Feb
Sun 23 Feb
After the death of his wife, Richard lives in seclusion in a gated community. He wants his only daughter Helen to look after him, as he is increasingly in need of care. There has been a long period of silence between father and daughter, but there is more that separates them than unites them. Richard respects neither Helen's idealistic view of her profession as a lawyer nor the choice of her husband, a black intellectual. Helen, in turn, accuses him of evading the challenges of a changing society. «How should we live together?» asks the most-performed Dutch playwright Lot Vekemans in her new play, striking a chord with the times. In the German-language premiere, Juliane Köhler plays alongside Manfred Zapatka.
Sun 23 Feb
MOSI - The Bavarian Dream
A prince of fashion and a fairy-tale king. A bird of paradise and a cult figure. A Munich original and a philanthropist. During the course of his lifetime, Rudolph Moshammer was given countless of these nicknames and soubriquets. Everyone recognized him as an eccentric with his dog Daisy on his arm, a talk show guest and man of society. Like his role model, Bavaria’s fairy-tale king Ludwig II, he loved glamour, opulence, and excess. In his appearances as an actor and in advertisements, as a singer in the preliminary round for the Eurovision Song Contest and with books like «Mama und ich» (Mama and Me), he became a cult figure and his fashion boutique «Carnaval de Venise» in Maximilianstraße became a cult address and place of pilgrimage for Mosi fans.
24 Feb
Mon 24 Feb
Maria Stuart
Maria Stuart, the deposed queen of Scotland, seeks asylum in England but soon finds herself imprisoned in a fortress as her aunt, the English queen Elisabeth Tudor, begins to investigate her. When she was seventeen, Maria was allegedly involved in the murder of her husband – that is the official charge, but there are also rumours of a plot to seize the crown right now. Schiller portrays neither of his female protagonists in a particularly flattering light: Maria is an impulsive seductress, Elisabeth is a jealous and indecisive monarch.
Mon 24 Feb
Eine Zierde für den Verein (A credit to the club)
During the global economic crisis of the 1920s, a young woman tries out self-realization and yet ends up in a restrictive marriage, confronted with misogyny and male bonding as well as the rise of National Socialism. Elsa-Sophie Jach adapts Marieluise Fleisser's only novel for the stage.
Mon 24 Feb
Trauriger Montag
Das neue Format TRAURIGER MONTAG öffnet den neu gestalteten Marstall Salon für Lesungen, Diskussionen, Gesangsabende ...
25 Feb
Tue 25 Feb
The cycle of revenge and retribution is endless. Every drop of blood spilt has to be atoned for with more. Everyone thinks they have the law and the will of the gods on their side and this conviction drives them on to commit new injustices. This is the spiral of violence that grips the ruling house of the Atrides in Aeschylus’s «Agamemnon», the first part of his trilogy «The Oresteia».
26 Feb
Wed 26 Feb
Ein Sommernachtstraum (A Midsummer Night's Dream)
The wedding of Theseus and Hippolyta is just around the corner. But first Theseus has to help his friend Egeus. His daughter Hermia has fallen in love with the wrong man, Lysander. In order to change Hermia's mind, an effective threat is set up. The lovers have only one choice: to flee into the darkness of a dreamy June night. And here, in the pale glow of the wild setting, reality and reason are transformed into sexual desire and animal lust. «A Midsummer Night's Dream» is not only William Shakespeare's best-known comedy, but also perhaps his most abysmal. Stephan Kimmig stages the creatures from Shakespeare's famous fairy world as real-life eccentrics. Weird, unconventional and dazzling, they radically question what is considered normal.
27 Feb
Thu 27 Feb
After the death of his wife, Richard lives in seclusion in a gated community. He wants his only daughter Helen to look after him, as he is increasingly in need of care. There has been a long period of silence between father and daughter, but there is more that separates them than unites them. Richard respects neither Helen's idealistic view of her profession as a lawyer nor the choice of her husband, a black intellectual. Helen, in turn, accuses him of evading the challenges of a changing society. «How should we live together?» asks the most-performed Dutch playwright Lot Vekemans in her new play, striking a chord with the times. In the German-language premiere, Juliane Köhler plays alongside Manfred Zapatka.
Thu 27 Feb
Die Gewehre der Frau Carrar/Würgendes Blei (Senora Carrar’s rifles/Choking Lead)
1937 in a fishing village after the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War. Mrs. Carrar has forbidden her sons to join the fight against Franco. She desperately hopes to be spared war and terror. But how much longer can she protect herself and her sons? And what should she say to her brother, who demands that she hand over the guns hidden in the house and asks the all-important question: «If the sharks attack you, is it you who will use violence?» In Brecht's short play, everything revolves around the unsettling question of the possibility of neutral abstention. In his play «Choking Lead», playwright Björn SC Deigner continues Brecht's question in the present and searches for a language for the timeless horror of war and destruction.
28 Feb
Fri 28 Feb
Das Schloss (The Castle)
One night a stranger named K. enters a village guest house. He is told that no one is allowed to stay in the village without permission from the authorities in the castle just outside it. K. identifies himself as a surveyor who has been hired by the castle only to be informed three days later that no surveyor is required and it is not even certain that one was ever sent for. For reasons that are unclear and against his wishes, K. is given the job of school caretaker, even though he also receives a letter from the castle confirming that his work as a surveyor was entirely satisfactory. While the castle administration operates in a dubious manner and the decisions of its officials appear arbitrary, the veracity of K.’s incoherent statements is equally subject to doubt.
Fri 28 Feb
MOSI - The Bavarian Dream
A prince of fashion and a fairy-tale king. A bird of paradise and a cult figure. A Munich original and a philanthropist. During the course of his lifetime, Rudolph Moshammer was given countless of these nicknames and soubriquets. Everyone recognized him as an eccentric with his dog Daisy on his arm, a talk show guest and man of society. Like his role model, Bavaria’s fairy-tale king Ludwig II, he loved glamour, opulence, and excess. In his appearances as an actor and in advertisements, as a singer in the preliminary round for the Eurovision Song Contest and with books like «Mama und ich» (Mama and Me), he became a cult figure and his fashion boutique «Carnaval de Venise» in Maximilianstraße became a cult address and place of pilgrimage for Mosi fans.