Michael Wächter


Geboren 1986 in Leipzig, studierte Michael Wächter an der Roosevelt High School of the Performing Arts in Kalifornien und an der Hochschule für Schauspielkunst «Ernst Busch» in Berlin. Von 2010 bis 2015 war er Ensemblemitglied am Deutschen Nationaltheater Weimar und leitete dort u. a. seine Late-Night-Show «Wächters Freunde». Danach wechselte Michael Wächter in das Ensemble des Theaters Basel, wo er wiederholt mit Simon Stone, Antonio Latella, Miloš Lolić und Nora Schlocker zusammenarbeitete. Beim Berliner Theatertreffen 2017 wurde er mit dem Alfred-Kerr-Darstellerpreis für seine herausragende Leistung in Simon Stones Inszenierung «Drei Schwestern» ausgezeichnet. Im selben Jahr wählte ihn die Kritikerumfrage der Zeitschrift «theater heute» zum Nachwuchsschauspieler des Jahres. 2019 folgte er Andreas Beck ans Residenztheater.

Performing in



The mid-1980s: the outbreak of the disease AIDS alarms New York. Louis, son of a wealthy Jewish family, abandons his sick boyfriend Prior and starts a relationship with conservative Mormon lawyer Joe. When Joe’s drug-dependent wife Harper retreats into dreams of everlasting ice, his strictly religious mother flies in outraged from Salt Lake City. The Republican Roy Cohn, a cynical and power-obsessed lawyer, insists until his last breath that he is not gay and does not have AIDS. Even on his deathbed, he refuses to stop arguing about this with his black nurse Belize. And then an angel breaks through Prior’s bedroom ceiling.

Engel in Amerika (Angels in America)

Elisabeth Gärtner, a retired architect, has only one more wish: she wants to die. Her beloved husband died of cancer three years ago and without him life has no meaning for her any more. A drug that would allow her to die of her own volition has been refused her. Now the Ethics Council must make a decision on her case. Expert witnesses from the fields of law, medicine and theology argue over the question:  Does a human being have a right to determine their own death? Are doctors allowed to help someone commit suicide? And who do our lives actually belong to? To us? To the state? Or to God?

Gott (God)

«And often the outward signs of ascent only become apparent once the decline has begun again.» In his 1901 novel, subtitled «The Decline of a Family», Thomas Mann uses precise characterisation and an ironic style to describe the incipient structural collapse of the grande bourgeoisie. Mann drew his inspiration for «Buddenbrooks» from the story of his own family in Lübeck and people of the city where he was living at the time: Munich. Mann shows the potential complexity of relations between North and South Germany with considerable humour in the relationship between Tony Buddenbrook and the Munich hop-trader Alois Permaneder.


The Australian writer and director Simon Stone took Chekhov’s famous play as the starting point for his rewriting – voted «Play of the Year 2017» in «Theater heute» magazine – that combines rapid fire dialogue, subtle character studies and the ambivalence that arises from them while locating the play thematically in the here and now.

Drei Schwestern (Three sisters)

With «Success», we journey into the inner workings of a society in which everything is measured in terms of personal career advantage, the demands of embittered contemporaries, hatred of one’s neighbours, anger at those with a different political opinion and one’s own lack of any sense of direction.

Erfolg (Success)
Residenztheater, 16.00 o'clock
Sun 02 Mar
