Sibylle Canonica

Sibylle Canonica erhielt ihre Ausbildung an der Folkwang-Hochschule für Musik Theater Tanz in Essen. Sie spielte am Oldenburgischen Staatstheater, am Schiller Theater Berlin, am Staatstheater Stuttgart, am Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus und an den Münchner Kammerspielen. Mit Dieter Dorn wechselte sie von dort zur Spielzeit 2000/2001 an das Residenztheater. Sie gastierte regelmäßig bei den Wiener Festwochen und Salzburger Festspielen und arbeitete u. a. mit George Tabori, Hans Lietzau, Peter Zadek, Thomas Langhoff, Dieter Dorn, Werner Herzog, Franz Xaver Kroetz, Jan Bosse, Barbara Frey, David Bösch, Herbert Fritsch, Timofej Kuljabin, Tina Lanik, Bernhard Mikeska, Ivica Buljan, Martin Kušej und Michael Thalheimer.

Performing in

«Danton’s Death», written by the 22-year-old Georg Büchner in a mere five weeks in 1835 following extensive research, is based on historical sources and documents from the French Revolution, whose maxims of «liberty, equality and fraternity» shaped our understanding of modern European democracies. However, Büchner does not tell of the triumphant beginnings, the storming of the Bastille as part of a popular uprising that continues to be celebrated today, focusing instead on a few days towards the end of the Jacobins’ so-called reign of terror in the spring of 1794.

Dantons Tod (Danton’s Death)
Residenztheater, 19.30 o'clock
Sat 25 May
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Residenztheater, 18.30 o'clock
Sun 26 May
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Residenztheater, 19.30 o'clock
Sat 22 Jun

In her autobiographical memoir «A Girl’s Story», published in 2016, the French writer Annie Ernaux attempts to understand a deeply formative experience in her own life. What happened to her, a young woman aged 18 at the time, in the summer of 1958? Between fragments of memories, diary entries, letters and decades-old photos, the author undertakes an almost forensic analysis of what happened, its effects and the social frameworks and sexual double standards that grant or refuse entirely different forms of «freedom» to men and women respectively. «A Girl’s Story» shows an almost 80-year-old woman painfully confronting sexual shame, impotence and self-empowerment and is – shortly before the #MeToo movement arose – a touching and highly political document of putting an end to silence.

Erinnerung eines Mädchens (A Girl's Story)
Marstall, 20.00 o'clock
Sat 04 May
Marstall, 20.00 o'clock
Tue 07 May

In «Gesichter» taucht die für ihre «Kopenhagen-Trilogie» gefeierte Autorin mit einer fesselnden Kombination aus bildhafter, expressiver und surrealer Sprache so tief in die verzerrte Wahrnehmungswelt der Hauptfigur Lise Mundus ein, dass es beinahe schmerzhaft wird.

RESI DIGITAL: «Gesichter» von Tove Ditlevsen
Publikumsgespräch im Anschluss
Marstall, 20.00 o'clock
Mon 06 May
Lesung mit Sibylle Canonica
Marstall, 20.00 o'clock
Wed 26 Jun
